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European Dental Hygienists Federation

Annual General Meeting 2025 Prague,
Czech Republic

September 19th and 20th, 2025

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The Czech Dental Hygienists Association (ADH ČR)

would like to welcome delegates to Prague for the EDHF Annual General Meeting 2025.

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Registration for EDHF Annual General Meeting

Registration form

Boat trip (40EUR)

Important Information

Travelling to Prague

By plane

Prague - Václav Havel International Airport accepts flights from most European countries. Main airlines: ČSA (Czech Airlines), low-cost: Ryanair, Wizz Air, Easy Jet or traditional: Lufthansa, Air France, British Airways.

By train

Prague is connected to the main railway lines from Berlin, Vienna, Munich and Budapest.

By bus

Bus is the cheapest option - FlixBus, RegioJet, Eurolines.

Travelling from Prague Airport


The fastest, most convenient, but most expensive. Takes approximately 20-30 minutes, depending on traffic. Costs approximately 400-600 CZK. Use official airport taxi or verified providers (Uber, Bolt).

Public transport

Bus No. 59 from the station at the airport (terminal 1 or 2) direction Nádraží Veleslavín. At Nádraží Veleslavín station change to tram No. 26 direction Nádraží Hostivař, exit at Kamenická station (1 minute to the hotel).

Airport Express

Connects the airport with the Central Station. There change to tram No. 26 to the Kamenická station. Takes approx. 46 min, costs 100 CZK.

Venue - Hotel Belvedere Praha


Hotel Belvedere Praha

Milady Horákové 19, 170 00 Praha 7

+420 220 106 111

Room rates

single room   107 €  (including brekfast and city fees)

double room 119 € (including brekfast and city fees)


Room bookings:

via email:

via phone: +420 220 106 111

password for reservation: DENTAL.

Room booking are for 4 nights: Wednesday 17th. – Sunday 21st September 2025, we have special prices.

Please note, hotel room booking close on Monday 31st March 2025!


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18.9. - Thursday

Own arrangements and expense.

19.9. - Friday

08:30 - Registration

09:00 - Meeting

10:30 - Coffee break

11:00 - Meeting

12:30 - Lunch

13:30 - Meeting

15:00 - Coffee break

17:00 - End of Meeting

18:00 - Dinner in restaurant

20.9. - Saturday

09:00 - Meeting

10:30 - Coffee break

11:00 - Meeting

13:00 - Lunch

14:00 - Walk through the park Letenské sady to the river

15:00 - Prague Boats Cruises

16:00 - Trip by bus to the Herbadent factory

18:30 - Evening party with banquet and program

General Information

Public transport

Public transport in Prague is fast and easy, includes metro, trams and buses. More info here:

Hotel Belvedere Prague

This traditional hotel is located near the historic center. There are a lot of cafes, pubs and restaurants around the hotel. Close to the hotel are two large parks, Stromovka and Letenské sady. Art lovers can visit the National Gallery or the DOX Center for Modern Art. There is also a zoo and botanical garden nearby. Tours offered by the Belvedere Prague hotel:


The weather in September is mostly changeable with mild temperatures and typical of midsummer days. The average temperature is 11°C - 20°C. There can be rain and sunny intervals.


Czech Crown, 1 EUR = 25.17 CZK (depends on the current exchange rate).

Social activities

ADH ČR has prepared social activities for which informal, comfortable and elegant clothing is recommended. Business attire is required for the meeting.

Contact person

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Hotel Belvedere


+420 220 106 111

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Lenka Velebilová, DiS.


​+420 603 840 615

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Mgr. Tereza Háková


​+420 776 363 274

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 Mrs. Novotná

hotel accommodation

About Us

The Czech Dental Hygienists Association (ADH ČR) was founded in 2000.

We celebrate our 25th anniversary!

We are honored to host the EDHF Annual General Meeting.

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Our Partners

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Asociace dentálních hygienistek ČR  z. s

Šimáčkova 9/1450

170 00 Praha 7

IČO 70847924

Sekretariát asociace:

Mgr. Tereza Háková +420 776 363 274


pondělí – čtvrtek: 09 - 17 hod

                   pátek: 10 - 16 hod

Firma registrována u Městského soudu v Praze

pod spisovou značkou L 10964/MSPH

Bankovní spojení: Fio banka, a.s.

Číslo účtu: 2401544294/2010

Datová schránka: zpxzrpc

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© 2023 ASOCIACE DENTÁLNÍCH HYGIENISTEK ČR všechna práva vyhrazena.


Created by RENOIR spol. s r. o.

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